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Can You Help Me Stay Fit?

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJEBR.309392
Published by: IGI Global


The main purpose of this study is to reveal the impact of consumer satisfaction on continuance intention to use wearable fitness devices. Building upon the IS Continuance Intention Model, the authors explored the effects of confirmation of ease of use, confirmation of perceived usefulness, positive and negative feelings, and perceived control on consumer satisfaction. The effects of health motivation and social influence on continuance intention were examined alongside satisfaction. Our model consists of twelve constructs and eleven hypotheses. An online survey was conducted among 216 Amazon M-Turk workers to collect data. The measurement model was first tested and validated. Next, structural equation modeling was used to test the hypotheses in the research model. Nine out of eleven hypotheses were supported. The model explains 50.1% of variances in continuance intention, and 63.9% of variance in consumer satisfaction is explained by the aforementioned factors. Both theoretical contributions and practical implications are discussed in the context of wearable technology.