Cover Image for System.Linq.Enumerable+EnumerablePartition`1[System.Char]


OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJPADA.2020070103
Published by: IGI Global


ZeroPay is a “zero-fee payment service,” which is designed to help small businesses. It is a QR code-based mobile secure payment service that the government, Seoul Metropolitan Government (SMG), bank, and private settlement providers cooperate to reduce small business owners' commission burden. When a consumer recognizes a QR code as a smartphone app, the fees charged by the merchant's franchisee will either be lost or significantly lowered as money transfers from the consumer account to the merchant account. SMG started to ease commissions' burden on small businesses suffering from recession, rising rents, and card fees. However, because of this service started with government policy, ZeroPay started with many controversies, and these issues need to be addressed for the service to settle down stably. The main discussion of this paper is that this service will be applied successfully to the market. The author discusses how the SMG efforts settle successfully with strategically initiated services.