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The Influence of Perceived Value Towards Customer Satisfaction in Hostel Business

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJTHMDA.2020070102
Published by: IGI Global


Perceived value is one of the elements that can influence customer satisfaction in the hotel and hospitality industry. In order to re-create the effective strategies, hostel business needs to understand more about factors that influence customer satisfaction. To identify which one is more preferable, this research measured the influence of perceived value, consisting of four aspects, which are image, price, technical dimension, and functional dimension. This study uses quantitative method through multiple linear regression. Data was collected by spreading questionnaires; 300 respondents have participated in this research. This research focused on domestic young adults in Indonesia who already had experience in hostel service as respondents. This study found that perceived value in the form of price is the most influential aspect that influences young adult tourist satisfaction towards the hostel business.