Cover Image for System.Linq.Enumerable+EnumerablePartition`1[System.Char]

Privacy-Preserving and Publicly Verifiable Protocol for Outsourcing Polynomials Evaluation to a Malicious Cloud

OAI: DOI: 10.4018/IJDCF.2019100102
Published by: IGI Global


As cloud computing provides affordable and scalable computational resources, delegating heavy computing tasks to the cloud service providers is appealing to individuals and companies. Among different types of specific computations, the polynomial evaluation is an important one due to its wide usage in engineering and scientific fields. Cloud service providers may not be trusted, thus, the validity and the privacy of such computation should be guaranteed. In this article, the authors present a protocol for publicly verifiable delegations of high degree polynomials. Compared with the existing solutions, it ensures the privacy of outsourced functions and actual results. And the protocol satisfies the property of blind verifiability such that the results can be publicly verified without learning the value. The protocol also improves in efficiency.